by The Nutrivore Chef | Sep 20, 2016 | Blog Posts
Often misunderstood, largely ignored, mushrooms are like Ann from Arrested Development–reluctantly included, and rarely the object of attention. We can talk all we want about healthy diets, superfoods, natural vs. organic, and the like, but there’s no debating the...
by The Nutrivore Chef | Aug 11, 2016 | Recipes, Vegetables
Kimchi. I think it’s one of those things you either love or hate. If you’re easily offended by strong smells, especially of the fish and garlic variety, you will probably not like kimchi. HOWEVER, if you’re Korean at heart and don’t mind the pungent stench of...
by The Nutrivore Chef | Aug 4, 2016 | Meat, Recipes
by The Nutrivore Chef | Jul 27, 2016 | Blog Posts
I’m back. As mentioned in my last post, Artem and I went on a 3-week road trip around the Pacific Northwest for most of July. I had the food dehydrator going for days before I left. Beef jerky, several bags of dehydrated veggies, spice mixes, nuts, and dried ground...
by The Nutrivore Chef | Jul 1, 2016 | Blog Posts
I am busy this week! Artem and I are headed out on a road trip on July 4, and I’m scrambling to prep Paleo camping food before we leave. I will likely end up making some compromises with my diet while I’m out, but I’m okay with that for a few weeks. It’s vacation....
by The Nutrivore Chef | Jun 22, 2016 | Beverages, Recipes
There was a time when I didn’t like chai. I know. I’ll say it again, because I know you don’t believe me. There was a time when I didn’t like chai. Maybe the kind I tried was too spicy or something. I’m not sure what kind of bad experience I had with chai to make me...
by The Nutrivore Chef | Jun 16, 2016 | Blog Posts
I’m often asked what I would recommend for people starting out on a Paleo diet. True, it can be daunting to make such drastic changes all at once. No soy? No gluten? No grains? How is that even possible? I hate referring to Paleo as a “diet,” because that implies it’s...
by The Nutrivore Chef | Jun 7, 2016 | Recipes, Sauces and dressings
Wow, this Paleo lemon mayonnaise recipe has been a long time in the making. I have wasted SO much avocado oil on failed batches of mayo. Which is funny, because I previously complained about paying $8+ for a jar of Paleo mayo. The alternative was to settle for the...
by The Nutrivore Chef | May 26, 2016 | Blog Posts
“Well, if we ever need a cashew detector, we’ll call you.” …Artem said grimly. I had just taken my first few bites of vegan coconut-carmel gelato from the local ice cream shop. I have nut allergies, but I’d eaten other vegan gelato from the same shop. I figured the...
by The Nutrivore Chef | May 20, 2016 | Dessert, Recipes
You really won’t even miss the chocolate in these decadent carob cupcakes. If you can believe it, Sunday was the first time in FOUR MONTHS that I ate a piece of chocolate. Since January, I have not so much as swallowed a morsel of cocoa. No chocolate was part of my...